
Is your student looking for a challenge? Or maybe some fun new songs to try over a break?  Try some of these songs!

Let it Go (from Frozen) - This song uses all 3 primary chords and the interval of a 3rd, a great practice for feeling harmonic rhythm (the pattern chords follow in a song).

The Wiseman and the Foolish Man - This song from the LDS Children's Songbook is a great opportunity to practice the Red to Yellow transition and a Sol-Fa-Mi-Re-Do ending.

Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer - At the request of my daughter, Rudolph is available for extra practice with all three primary chords.

Ten Little Pilgrims - We have a sing-a-long book with this title (to the tune of 10 Little Indians), this song uses Red and Yellow chords with a variation of a Sol-Fa-Mi-Re-Do ending

Deck the Halls - This song allows for a faster Red/Yellow transition, uses all 3 primary chords, and can you find the 3rd hiding in there?  There is also a Mi-Re-Do ending.

Piano Maestro - Want some practice sight reading (like with Echo Edna)?  This fun FREE iPad game utilizes your REAL PIANO!  Great for practice motivation or extra fun.  The first 5 levels of the JOURNEY are perfect for first year LPM students.  Don't be afraid to try some of the songs from the library, too!  I would recommend under Method Books - Piano Pronto - Keyboard Kickoff.  Be sure to link to my studio (using my email address) to be able to utilize this app for free.

Rhythm Cat Lite - A great way to practice your bug rhythms!  Play along to some fun rhythms.

2nd Year Flashcards - Green Turtle Shells practice the cadence patterns on page 1, can you sing, sign and recognize them all?  Yellow Arrows use the remainder of the flashcards for review.

Piano Maestro - Want some practice sight reading (like with Echo Edna)?  This fun FREE iPad game utilizes your REAL PIANO!  Great for practice motivation or extra fun.  The first 5 levels of the JOURNEY are perfect for first year LPM students.  Don't be afraid to try some of the songs from the library, too!  I would recommend under Method Books - Piano Pronto - Keyboard Kickoff.  Be sure to link to my studio (using my email address) to be able to utilize this app for free.

Rhythm Cat Lite - A great way to practice your bug rhythms!  Play along to some fun rhythms.

Noteworks - Practice naming the notes on the staff with this fun app.

Flashcards - Lost your Purple Magic Flashcards?  Print this set from Susan Paradis and keep practicing.

Whack-A-Note - Can you identify the right notes on the staff?  (also available to purchase for the iPad)

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